Full stack JAVA Developer in ernakulam.

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Kerala, Ernakulam Added at 01 Sep Views : 688

Item Type Developer Job Type Offering

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In-depth experience with Core Javaprogramming (like Concurrency, Multi-threading, Design patterns) including JSP, JMS, JNDI, JSTL, Spring, Spring MVC, and JPA (Hibernate). Design, develop, and test full-stack technologies

Experience with REST services and API’s must

Experience in JEE technology like Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS), Java Messaging Service , Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Java persistence API

Having Experience on Intellij IDEA ,Tomcat,WebSphere/liberty profile

Experience in Junit with mockito and powermockito must

Experience in spring framework

Experience with build street automation (GIT, Maven, Jenkins, Nexus and Nolio)

Experience with Mongo DB(NoSQL), MySQL,MariaDB and cassandra(NoSQL).

3. Full stack Node.js Developer


MEAN stack covers a lot of ground – MongoDB (DB), Express (Web Application Framework), AngularJS (SPA), Node.js (Web Platform/Server)

Hosting and deployment options

Node package management (tools) through npm

Browser / project package management through Bower

Build and tasks through Gulp

Experience with Mongo DB(NoSQL), MySQL,MariaDB and cassandra(NoSQL).

4. Full stack Ruby on Rails Developer

Expertise in Ruby

Rails is full-stack

Ruby on Rails

Going through a Ruby on Rails Guide will get you covering a lot of ground.

Common Servers: nginx, Apache through mod_rails module

More on hosting and deployment here.

ORM / CRUD through ActiveRecord pattern.

Ruby gems to install packages, tools.

Experience with Mongo DB(NoSQL), MySQL,MariaDB and cassandra(NoSQL)

. Full Stack .NET Developer


Self-hosting through OWIN/Katana, HttpListener or Kestrel (.NET server) on Mac OS X.

Other Servers: IIS, IIS Express, Kestrel (Mac OS X)

UI and UI Logic through Web Technologies (HTML, CSS, JS) + Razor

Built-in security, routing, authentication (Windows, Individual Identity, External/Third Party)

Templates to support SPA frameworks (Knockout, Angular). Also, see SideWaffle.

Templates support Responsive Web Design (Bootstrap)

Scaffolding for CRUD operations to DB through IDE

JSON APIs through Web API

Language-integrated queries (LINQ, Microsoft-specific)

ORM (default Entity Framework) which handles lazy loading and CRUD operations automatically

Built-in drivers for MongoDB and SQL Server

Cloud hosting and deployment (to Azure or others)

Package Management through NuGet

Real-time web applications through SignalR

Experience with Mongo DB(NoSQL),SQL Server, MySQL,MariaDB and cassandra(NoSQL). If Interested please send your biodata to sariga@jobsbank.in